Wednesday, 3 February 2016

Conor Murphy   Unit 4: Development of the life stages 

                                                        MORGAN FREEMAN

Description: Murphy (fact file Morgan freeman) unit 4 P1

Morgan Freeman

Born June 1, 1937

Yes, Morgan Freeman does have a website (

He also has his own social network on Facebook, just type in Morgan freeman on Facebook and you’ll find him.

Morgan Freeman has also got his own fan website (

No, Morgan freeman does not have an autobiography,

However Morgan Freeman does have a biography which you can find at

Morgan Freeman has 56,200,000 results if you search for him on Google.

The information that you see is all factual because it has been said by Morgan himself and not meant for entertainment purpose.

No, I was not able to find any books about Morgan Freeman in my LRC.

No, I cannot contact Morgan Freeman directly.

My subject Morgan Freeman is 78 years old.

Morgan Freeman was 18 when he left Broad street high school.

His first job was serving as an automatic tracking radar repairman which he did when he left school.

Morgan Freeman’s religion is unknown but he does speak as though he is an atheist now and then.

Life stages:

Physical 0-3 years:

Through my research of Morgan Freeman, I have not found anything that suggests that he had anything less than a normal physical development of a child age between 0-3 years.

Intellectual 0-3 years:

Through my research of Morgan Freeman, I have not found anything that suggests that he had anything less than a normal intellectual development of a child age between 0-3 years.

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Emotional 0-3 years:
As an infant Morgan Freeman had to move away from his Mother and father and moved into his grandmother’s home. For an infant to be taken away from their comfort zone, it will be very difficult for them to cope.

Social 0-3 years:

Through my research of Morgan Freeman, I have not found anything that suggests that he had anything less than a normal social development of a child age between 0-3 years, although being taken away from his parents would be hard for an infant, however still having his family members around helped him.

This information was gathered from

Physical 4-9 years:

Through my research of Morgan Freeman, I have not found anything that suggests that he had anything less than a normal physical development of a child age between 4-9 years.

Intellectual 4-9 years:

Morgan had begun learning how to act and at the age of 9, he got into a play and got the lead role in the play.

Emotional 4-9 years:

Morgan and his grandmother would move house a lot which means that the people he was emotionally attached to in his areas, he wouldn’t be able to see them anymore.

Social 4-9 years:

Morgan would most likely be looking for new social groups to join in with, due to all the movement that he and grandmother would do.

This information was gathered from

Physical 10-18 years:
Through my research of Morgan Freeman, I have not found anything that suggests that he had anything less than a normal physical development of a adolescent age between 10-18 years.
Intellectual 10-18 years:
Freeman carried on his acting and improved greatly going into more plays; at the age of 12 he won a state side drama competition. At the age of 18, Morgan graduated from school and learnt how to be a repairman for the United States air force.
Emotional 10-18 years:
Through my research of Morgan Freeman, I have not found anything that suggests that he had anything less than a normal emotional development of an adolescent age between 10-18 years.
Social 10-18 years:
Morgan’s social life may have most likely changed due to the time he had left school and joined the air force as a repair man; he may have lost contact with some of his school friends and made new friends at his new job.
This information was gathered from


Physical 19-65 years:

After four years in the military freeman became a dancer and learned in San Francisco in the early 1960s.

Intellectual 19-65 years:

Freeman carried on learning how to act in his lessons, and also started to learn how to dance in San Francisco.

Emotional 19-65 years:

Freeman married Jeanette Adair Bradshaw from October 22, 1967 and split up with her on November 18, 1979 which would have been a difficult time for him. However he had then married Myrna Colley-Lee on June 16, 1984, which would have been a happy time in his life.



Jeanette and Morgan

Freeman had also adopted his step granddaughter and raised her with Myrna.

Social 19-68 years:

 Freeman first became known in the American media through roles on the soap opera ‘Another world’ and the kids show ‘the electric company’. Freeman considers that his role in the film ‘street smart’ made a breakthrough towards his career. Morgan was always then involved in the media’s attention making his life known to the world.

This information was gathered from


Physical, final stages of life:

Unfortunately, in 2008 Morgan Freeman got his self into a car crash, where his car had flipped seven times. Morgan was then transported by helicopter to the hospital where he was operated on for four hours to repair the nerve damage in his arm and shoulder. Freeman said that he is left handed but isn’t able to move his finger in his left hand. He now wears a compression glove to protect against blood pooling due to non-movement, there were claims saying that he was drink driving on the night of the incident.

Intellectual, final stages of life:

Through my research of Morgan Freeman, I have not found anything that suggests that he had anything less than a normal intellectual development of an adult in the final stages of life.

Emotional, final stages of life:

Freeman and his wife Myrna had a divorce in 2010, which would have been of a hard time for Freeman, however, Freemans adopted step granddaughter was murdered in new York on august 16th 2015, she was only 33.

Social, final stages of life:

Freeman is now one of the most famous movie stars in the world and the public has always got their eyes on him.

unit 4 P2

Morgan Freeman

Born June 1, 1937

Morgan freeman’s father had unfortunately passed away from having cirrhosis, at the time Morgan was only 23. This may have been very disturbing for Freeman and may have interrupted his work either in the theatre or the air force depending on when he left the air force.

Morgan had lived with his grandmother being away from his parents, this separation may of made Morgan think of many questions on why he is without parents which would of emotionally disturbing for him. Freeman and his Grandmother had moved from city to city while he was still young which means that may of had troubles with having good social attachments with friends.

Morgan’s lifestyle would have changed a lot due to his two marriages, for example the household will be different each time and the diet would change. Then each of his divorces would of changed his lifestyle, also the effect from divorce such as sadness would of changed his lifestyle as well because sadness can make an individual feel less motivated.

Morgan’s lifestyle would have also changed after his car accident because this would mean that he would have to take medication and not do as much activities due to his nerve damage in his arm and shoulder making it harder for him and possibly more painful.

Also Morgan Freeman is 78 years old and having the accident is still having an effect on his body due to his body not being as functional as it was 30 years ago.

As we know, there doesn't seem to be any information available on Morgan Freemans diet, so we should believe that there hasn't been a change in the normal diet for Freeman.

Conor Murphy                    Health & social care level 3

Unit 4 p3 (explain the influences of two predictable and two unpredictable life events on the development of an individual)

Throughout Morgan freeman’s life, there would be some predictable and unpredictable major life events.

One predictable life event for Morgan Freeman would be him going to school, even though Morgan Freeman had many family problems back home and would keep having to move from city to city as a child, it is still very predictable for him to go to school as it is a necessity for all children to go through education. This would have helped to go into work in the future as he would have learnt many skills to use for when he is older. Education would have an influence on Morgan’s social life as he would have made friends at school, his social class because how good you do in education can determine your future finance will be, which is all important. Mostly education would have an influence on the level of intellect Morgan has which will help throughout his whole life such as making decisions and knowing what to do in situations.

Another predictable life event for Morgan Freeman would be him getting married, Marriage has a big influence on life and the way you take care for your finance may change as it is now split into two for your partner. The social life of Morgan Freeman may have changed because he can be spending less time with his friends now as he is spending more time with his wife and her family and friends. Marriage would of also had an influence on Morgan’s emotions due to them most likely having arguments which can be seen through the fact that Morgan’s first marriage ended up in divorce. This would have made Morgan go through some sort of depression and create a lot of stress for him. However, Morgan would have also had some good times with his wife which would have made them both happy.


One unpredictable life event for Morgan would have been him joining the United States air force. This would have been unexpected because it is very rare for someone to decide to go join the army especially after Morgan was into drama at school. This is a major life event because it would of created a huge change in Morgan’s lifestyle, such as his diet, his diet would of changed because of the physical attributes Morgan would of needed to be in the army. His social group would have also changed because he would be with others from the air force all over America, his views and interests could have changed as well due to him meeting many different people from different backgrounds and cultures. His physical capabilities would have increased due to the army’s daily training and food provided which would make an athlete. Morgan would have had mixed emotions in the air force, he could have been sad knowing what the army was made to do and he may of possibly lost friends in the army, but he can also have great memories of himself in the army.

Another unpredictable life event for Morgan would have been him getting into that tragic car crash, this had caused Freeman to have damaged nerves in his arm and shoulder, Morgan also is left handed but due to the car crash he isn’t able to move his fingers on his left hand. This has had a huge influence on his physical capabilities and may need support doing certain things. This can also have an influence on his emotions because he would have most likely been scared, stressed and very sad for the passenger in his car. His social life would have changed because he would have had to go through a lot of healing which would mean to rest and not go out as much.

this website is the source of my information

Conor Murphy                    Health & social care level 3

Unit 4 p4 (explain two theories of ageing)

The disengagement theory is believed to be that the older you get the more you’re withdrawn from society and any other kind of interaction. They believe that being withdrawn from society and having your social group becoming smaller is inevitable and enforced than being voluntary. The reasons for this were also told such as, because eventually everyone will pass on they will lose and their relationships soon. It is also believed that disengagement can be different for men and women, this is because men and women are seen to have different roles in life meaning that they will disengage from society in their own way. This is because men are usually seen to work throughout their lifetime and women are seen to look after their families, when men retire from work this when disengagement happens because men wouldn’t know what to do once they’ve stopped working. Women will most likely disengage from society when they do not need to look after their family anymore, possibly due to their children being grown or unfortunately their partner passing away. This is way it is seen as being inevitable because these reason are very common. It is especially more easier for people to disengage from society today because most ways to communicate now is through technology such as computers and phones, the elderly when they were young didn’t have the technology we have today which means that it will be a lot harder for them not to disengage from society because they don’t know how to use technology to connect back to society.


The activity theory is believed to be that when the elderly retire if they are able to keep physically active and mentally active then it will influence how the individual keep engaged with the rest of society. They can keep active by going to group activities such as yoga or bike riding, this can even be done by going to quizzes or bingo. The theory was believed that when they retire they can do all the things that they haven’t had the chance to experience yet and use retirement as a way to travel.


This is the source of my information.

Conor Murphy                    Health & social care level 3

Unit 4 p5 (explain the physical and psychological changes which may be associated with ageing)


There can be many different changes in the body, either physically or psychologically when growing older. The physical changes are:

Mobility changes as we get older, this is because our joints and muscles have begun to deteriorate which can make the height of an individual shorter due to the joints becoming thinner, this makes the body weaker than what it was when the individual was younger. Accidents such as falling over are more likely to cause serious injuries as we grow older because it will take longer for our bodies to heal the damage that had just been given which could then result in further damage if it is strained too much. As we grow the skin will begin to loosen which creates wrinkles for individuals, some more than others. Some individuals come across hearing impairments and visual impairments making it harder for them to see and hear although this can happen when we are younger.

Our body may find it a lot harder to function now that it is deteriorating. Our organs may become more vulnerable to diseases and even find it hard to do what it is supposed to do, for example the brain may slow down and if that slows down then everything else slows down creating huge risks and problems for the body such as the heart not pumping in good time causing the blood to not move about at the right amount of speed, which is likely to cause a heart attack and other heart problems.

The menopause will eventually occur in women which will make less oestrogen. This can make women have sudden mood swings at the time.

The psychological changes are:
discrimination may occur as some people will start to stereotype against older people due to their age, thinking that because their bodies are deteriorating then they are not able to carry out tasks and are seen as being useless and also vulnerable, this is known as ageism. After being discriminated against it can create stress or depression for the individual and may feel segregated from the rest of society which can make the individual isolate themselves because they don’t feel wanted. A lot of older find that their lifestyle has changed mostly due to retirement because now they are either spending their time by going out with their families and friends doing what they like doing or they can be sitting at home every day feeling lonely.

Older people will find that they are mourning the loss of friends and loved a lot more now as their generation is starting to pass on which can create a sense of fear, stress and depression. They may believe that their life is now at the end and could possibly give up their lifestyle and do something else.

Unit 4 M1:                                           Conor Murphy

(Discuss the nature-nurture debate in relation to the development of an individual)


Morgan freeman

The nature-nurture theory has been debated by scientist for years. The theory of the nature debate is that people’s personalities and lifestyle all depends on the genes given to them by their ancestors. This would mean that the way their ancestors had lived would indicate how their lifestyle would be. For example, if an individual’s parents were both hair dressers then the individual will have some sort of interest in hair.

However the nurture theory believes that an individual’s personality and lifestyle is made by the environment they live and grow up in. Their social groups, culture, religion and education will be the life factors that create the individuals personality and lifestyle.

Morgan freeman’s father was a barber who had passed away in 1961 from cirrhosis, so far as we know Freeman doesn’t have cirrhosis. Freeman’s mother had passed away at age of 88 and was a teacher. This information isn’t in favour of the nature theory as we know of because there are no signs of Morgan having cirrhosis, in addition he didn’t seek any jobs involved with his Mother and Fathers work.



Morgan Freeman was doing his drama lessons and at the age of 12 he won a state-wide drama competition which showed his speech skills were developing which can be seen through his public speaking. This can be in favour of nature because his Mother is a teacher and would have had to of done public speaking when teaching her classes, which means that Morgan Freeman inherited his public speaking skills from his mother. While in high school Morgan Freeman went on radio show which goes further in favour in the nature theory due to his mother.


From looking at the information that is available, there wasn’t any data on his emotions in his adolescence so we have to believe that he has had a normal emotion status during adolescence. So we aren’t able to find out if it is in favour of the nature-nurture debate.


Freeman’s social life would have changed due to all his drama performances, such as going into drama schools and doing performances with different drama students. This would most likely be in favour of the nurture debate, due to his parents having nothing to do with drama and also not actually living with him because his grandma took him in when he was a child. After he graduated from high school Freeman’s social life changed when he decided to join the United States air force. This means who would have met many different kinds of people (culture, religion and ethnicity), his attitude would have changed due to the armies requirements in respect. This would all be in favour of nurture due to his family not being involved too much. Description:



Freeman was in the United States air force where he would have had to learn new skills. He was an automatic tracking radar repairman which means he would have had to of learn skills required of a mechanic. These skills that he learnt are all in favour to nurture because there is no records of anyone in his family being related to knowing any repair skill of being in the army. After Morgan left the army he had then gone back to doing drama and perused his acting career.


From looking at the information that is available, there wasn’t any data on his emotions in his adolescence so we have to believe that he has had a normal emotion status during his adulthood. However, we can say that due to Morgan’s divorce, we can believe that he would of being going through some sort of sadness or stress. Due to this we can say that this in favour of the nurture theory.


Freemans social life would have changed quickly when he went into his acting career, where he would been known a celebrity to millions of people. Due to this he would be around people who are seen to be first class and very wealthy. The amount of money he had made would have caused freeman to have much less financial problems. This is all in favour to the nurture theory.


Overall, Morgan’s life seems to be mostly in favour of nurture, which means that he would have been making his own choice for what happens in his life.



this website is the source of my information

Unit 4 M2:                                           Conor Murphy

(Discuss two major theories of ageing in relation to the development of the individual)

The disengagement theory states that the older we get the more withdrawn we are from society. With my chosen celebrity (Morgan Freeman) we can see how getting older has effected them. Morgan Freeman goes for now goes against the disengagement theory as he has gone past the retirement age and is still working in films at the age of 78. By Morgan Freeman being a celebrity it would be very difficult for him to disengage from society. Freeman recently divorced in august 2015, however, he is still carrying on his career and already acting for new movies. Such as ‘now you see me 2’, through his acting career, Morgan meets all kinds of people, different age, ethnicity, background, religion and culture, by meeting all these individuals, he can stay connected to society today.

The activity theory seems to work in Morgan Freeman’s case even though he is still working. As he got old Freeman is doing new things such as getting his flying license at the age of 65 and in 2009 buying a new plane to add to his collection. Also drama alone is seen as an activity and that is almost done every day for Morgan Freeman. In 2008 when Morgan had a car crash he had a lot of nerve damage and wasn’t able to use the fingers in his left hand, however, now that he has recovered, he gone back to his normal lifestyle now disengaging from society at all.

Unit 4 M3:                                           Conor Murphy

(Discuss the effects on self-esteem and self-confidence of the physical changes associated with ageing)

Morgan Freeman is categorised as an elder, which means that he would physically change due to age. Freeman’s muscles and joints may not be as functional as they were before which Freeman has most likely noticed which can put his self-esteem and confidence down as he goes out and does activities or prepares for films. Throughout his career you can see the physical changes age has made him go through, such as his grey hair, wrinkles and also he does a lot less action films as he’s gotten older which means that he may find trouble doing them or he hasn’t got the confidence to do action.

Also due to his age he may feel segregated from everyone because of all the new and young upcoming celebrities and could possibly feel that his career time is up and needs to retire which would be taking his confidence and self-esteem down. Due to Morgan’s car accident which damaged the nerves in his arm and shoulder and also not allowing him to move his finger on his left hand can create some sort of embarrassment that he had that kind of accident which could have been prevented, he may also feel that if he was younger, then a lot less damage would have been inflicted on him.